1. Identification data
The titular company of www.coolcasc.com is COOLCASC, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY with social address in C/ Conde la Cimera 6-bajo 28040 Madrid (SPAIN), with C.I.F: B-85107928, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid. Electronic mail coolcasc@coolcasc.com.
2. Intellectual property of the Web
All the rights of intellectual property of the content of this web page, its graphical design and its source codes, are exclusive property of COOLCASC, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. corresponding to us the exclusive exercise of the operation rights. Therefore it is prohibited its reproduction, distribution, public communication and total or partial transformation, without the express authorization of COOLCASC, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Also, all the commercial names, brands or any other signs contained in this web site are protected by law.
3. Content of the Web and connections
In COOLCASC, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. we did not take responsibility of the bad use of the contents of our web page, being exclusive responsibility of the person who accedes or uses them. We either did not assume any responsibility by the information contained in the Web pages of a third or any other information coming through links or finders from the page Web www.coolcasc.com
4. Interchange or information dissemination
COOLCASC, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. it declines all responsibility that derives from the exchange of information between users through its page Web. Specially we are not made people in charge of the use that the minors can do of the same one in case that the contents to that is acceded they can hurt the sensitivity of such.
5. Update and modification of the page Web
COOLCASC, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. the right is reserved to update, to modify or to eliminate the information contained in its web site, and the configuration or presentation of he himself, at any time, without previous warning, and assuming responsibility some for that reason.
6. Indications on technical aspects
In COOLCASC, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY we did not assume any responsibility that can be derived from technical problems or failures in the computer science equipment, no imputable to our Society, that takes place during the connection to the network of Internet, as well as of damages which they could be caused by third people by means of illegal interferences outside the COOLCASC control, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Also we were exonerated of all responsibility before possible damages or damages that can undergo the user as a result of errors, defects or omissions in the information that we facilitate when it comes from sources other people’s to us.
7. Data processing of the user
In fulfillment of the established thing in Statutory law 15/1999 of December, Protection of Personal COOLCASC, Character data, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. It informs to its clients into which whichever personal data facilitate to him will be including in an automated of personal character data, created and maintained file under the COOLCASC responsibility, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. The purpose of this file is to facilitate the transaction of the orders and to the future send commercial supplies in on products and services that can be from interest to our clients. COOLCASC, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. It guarantees the security and confidentiality of the facilitated data. In this way, it is committed to the fulfillment of its obligation of secret of the personal his and character data to have to keep them and to adopt all the measures necessary to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or non-authorized use. Therefore, all the information on our clients will not be used with commercial intentions nor will be yielded to third. The clients of COOLCASC, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. The rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition will be able at any moment to exercise, communicating it in writing to our direction of electronic mail here.
8. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction
With general character, the relations with our clients, who derive themselves from the benefit of the services contained in our Web, they are put under the legislation and the Spanish jurisdiction. © 2007 Coolcasc.